I had the pleasure of being a part of many webinars and conferences this week put on by JJM Nutrition Consulting, Merch, and Ag-West Bio. Be ready for some data overload:
Alternative feed sources are a key part of feeding cattle during drought conditions and feed shortages. They keys to success with alternative feed are nutritional content and variability, pricing and consistency of supply, handling, storage, shrinkage, and anti-nutrient concerns (mycotoxins). All information provided comes from John McKinnin's webinar. I am just providing the basic nutritional benefits of each product and concerns of the products if there are concerns. Some alternate feed sources include:
Canola Meal
30-40% protein, 75-90% energy (intermediate)
Need to watch sulfur content
Dried Distilllers Grains- corn or wheat
30-40% protein, 80-90% energy (high)
Sulfur content concerns depending on source
Oat Hulls
2.5-4.5% protein, 45-50% energy, 40-50% fiber
Similar to straw, need to limit intake to prevent impaction
Highly palatable
Difficult to handle- bulky, dusty, difficult to store (blow away)
Ammoniation improves fiber digestibility, protein (nitrogen) levels, intake, and digestible energy
Refuse Grain Screenings
15% protein, 9.9% fat
Lower in starch than barley is
Problems- variation based on source, mycotoxins (ergot), unprocessed screenings are less digestible so cattle consume more but excrete the product rather than digesting
Canola Hay or Silage
Stage of maturity matters- late bloom to mid podded stage
15% protein, 60% TDN
Hay is similar to alfalfa grass
Concerns- palatability, nitrates, sulfur levels
Cereal Greenfeed
Late milk to hard dough
10-11% CP, 56-58% TDN
Nitrate and potassium levels are a concern
Drought stress causes divergence in head filling (high variance in quantity)
Off- Grade Grain
Sprouted or drought/frozen influenced crops
Each type has a critical test weight before it interferes with performance
Wheat Midds
CP 14-18%, relatively high fiber, intermediate energy source
Use as supplement for wintering cows/backgrounding cattle
Malt sprouts
Crude protein 18-24%, intermediate energy (70-75%)
Extruded Feed Products
Specialty feed pellets- flax seed, pulses, canola, alfalfa
Targeting high quality protein/fat that bypasses rumen
CP >20%, fat >20%
These are just base numbers for these alternative feed sources. It is highly recommended to feed test all products prior to presenting the products to cattle. It is also important to consider what type of cattle you are feeding. Cows and feeder cattle have very different nutritional requirements and performance goals, therefore need different diets.